Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Labor News: West Virginia Educators on Strike

West Virginia's teacher salaries are among the lowest in the nation. According to the West Virginia Education Association, a new teacher with only a bachelor's degree will have a minimum starting salary of about $32,700. Teachers have called upon the state legislature to fund both pay raises and the public employee's health care program.


The 2018-19 benefits plan for public employees would have increased health care premiums on some insurees, mostly due to a provision using total family income to set premiums for family and employee and spouse coverage, according to the Charleston Gazette-Mail. Local teachers also point to West Virginia's falling population and the strong pull for young teachers to move elsewhere, where pay and health subsidies are better. Without changes, they see a future with even fewer educators left in the state.

West Virginia teachers acted to strike on Thursday 22 February 2018 with the strike entering its fourth day on Tuesday 27 February. To be clear, the WV Attorney General Patrick Morrisy claims that teacher strikes and "concerted work stoppages" are illegal in WV, but local AFT leader Christine Campbell explains that "The crisis in public education in this state has come to a head, and teachers and service personnel have reached their breaking point." AFT President Randi Weingarten visited with teachers and walked with the march, in solidarity.

Read more: West Virginia Teachers Launch Statewide Strike

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