Saturday, May 19, 2018

Rally for Public Education, today 12-3pm

Join public educators and allies today at Discovery Green from 12-3 to show your support for public education. You can also use the hashtag #txspeakout and check out the Facebook page here.

The goals of today's rally, as articulated by the AFT, are:

1) To show solidarity in our pledge to vote for public education supporters in the primary runoffs and November general election.

2) To show legislators, the governor and the lieutenant governor that we won't take "no" for an answer to these demands:
  • An increase in the state contribution to public education funding, including a significant increase in state per-pupil funding.
  • A state-funded pay raise for all school employees.
  • An increase in the contribution of state funds for health care for retired and active public school employees, and an increase in the state contribution rate for school employee pensions.
  • Fix the punitive accountability system by eliminating A-F ratings and repealing the law that lets the Texas Education Agency take over school districts.
Whether or not you can attend, head over to sign the petition in order to express your support of these goals. We stand in solidarity with public educators across Texas who are standing up for students and themselves.

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