Thursday, May 16, 2013

Keep Guns Out Of Our Schools

Hi Friends. I hope you are enjoying May Term. The "campus carry" law that would allow guns on college campuses has passed the Texas House and will be coming up for a vote very soon in the Senate. I'm forwarding you a message with information about how to contact your senator to register your opinion. Although this comes from the Texas Democratic Party this is truly a bipartisan issue. We don't need to feel more unsafe on campus than we already do and our students don't need that either. Conventional wisdom says that, for every call or letter a legislature receives, they assume that at least 10 other people feel the same way. Consider making a call today!!! Thanks!!! John

Dear Democrats --

We need your help protecting Texas' colleges. This is urgent.

Republicans in the Texas Senate are pushing a dangerous bill -- the so-called "Campus Carry bill" -- that would reverse a decades-old ban on weapons in our college campuses.1

We need your calls today to stop this bill. Call your senator right now and tell them to vote to vote "NO" on the "Campus Carry" bill.

Click here to record your call and get the phone number for your senator.

At the start of this year, Texas Democrats convened a Task Force for Common Sense on Gun Violence. Our findings after collaborating with community leaders, mental health experts, gun owners, hunters, and educators?

Banning guns on college campuses is common sense gun control, except when those firearms are possessed or carried by certified peace officers. The Task Force was firmly against lifting the ban. So are we.

Can you call your senator right now? We need to remind Democrats AND Republicans that Texans don't want to see this ban lifted.

Please call your senator right now and tell them to vote “NO” on the “Campus Carry” bill. Then record how your call went by clicking here.


Gilberto Hinojosa

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