Thursday, April 5, 2018

Teachers Strikes Expand -- Updates on Kentucky and Oklahoma … and Arizona!

Source: David Wallace, Arizona Republic

Increasingly, educators in red states are exercising their constitutional rights to protest their low salaries, attacks on retirement funds, and working situations. We mentioned the wildcat walkout last week. Now, Oklahoma teachers are preparing for a strike as they reject the governor’s pay increase.

The resistance against GOP governors and legislature is also expanding in Arizona. Grassroot group Arizona Educators United and the union affiliate, the Arizona Education Association, call for a 20% pay raise, while Governor Ducey adamantly rejects this proposal, with a mere 1% increase.

The Texas AFT stands in solidarity with our colleagues in Oklahoma:
At its core, this is about teachers’ and school support workers’ heartbreaking teaching and learning conditions. Funding public education adequately is a fight that we must win because it’s the right thing for our kids, for our economy and for America.

For a summary of the KY and OK strikes, read this Mercury News article and for more information on the Arizona labor initiative, see a brief summary by NPR Illinois. We also recommend appreciating the strength of women in these strikes, here at USA Today.

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