Tuesday, February 6, 2018

AFT Call for Action: A "Clean" DREAM Act

In the most recent issue of The Advocate, we called for an action at the downtown office of Senator Ted Cruz on Friday, February 9 to discuss the ways that a “clean” DREAM Act affects our students. The nature of this conversation may differ radically based on the actions taken in Congress to keep the government open past Thursday, February 8.

When Democratic leadership compromised with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to reopen the government on January 22, they agreed to continue funding through February 8 with a promise to vote on some version of a DREAM Act. As we approach Thursday, congress has yet to hold this vote, and it remains unclear what kind of legislation might be under consideration or even whether the government will be funded/open on Friday. Current likely bills, like the bipartisan USA Act, have come under fire from immigrants rights groups for combining the promise of a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers with increased funding that many believe will result in more deportations and militarization of the US-Mexico border.

As we are considering the importance of a DREAM Act/Renewal of DACA for many of our students, it’s equally important to remember students who have undocumented family members or who are themselves undocumented. A “clean” DREAM Act is one that would renew and expand DACA without potentially harming other migrants.

It’s difficult to guess exactly what kind of political situation we’ll wake up to on Friday, February 9, but we understand the climate and the needs of our students well. You can inform yourself more on this issue by reading our past articles on DACA and immigration [1, 2, 3], read here for a discussion of why a DREAM Act is important for the Texas economy, and look here and here for posts from Dreamers about the kind of immigration reform they support.

We’ll meet in front of Ted Cruz’s office at 10am on Friday, February 9 to discuss these issues. After meeting Cruz’s aides, we will gather for sandwiches nearby in solidarity.

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